Computer Managed Care for Business
Connect your computers to the cloud for best-of-breed monitoring, management, and support.
Industry best practice for getting the most out of technology and keeping your computers running and current.
Computer Workstation and Server Managed Care (MSP/RMM).
Let us manage your business computers while you focus on business. We are a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and we use Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software to keep you up and running. Proactive managed care is the industry best practice for computer management. Managed care guarantees the highest level of productivity. Our managed care clients get the lowest rates for ongoing service including support, help-desk, and project work.
Best-Of-Breed Support Interaction
We provide support smaller tech companies cannot including an online ticket system, Help Desk, and 24/7/365 NOC/in-person support.
Best-of-breed proactive monitoring, management, and support. Compare Plans
Gold / Gold+
Pro-Level Support, Fixed Budget
Same as Silver plus Gold adds unlimited remote support. Gold+ adds unlimited onsite support. Support includes keeping you going + GPO Cookbook + key application maintenance for server), blacklist monitoring, 20GB Managed Cloud Backup, Backup Watch, Tech Roadmap, Tech Binder, 24/7 On-Call Tech, and lowest project rate.
10 Workstations + Server
Starting at $1,172 / mo.
30 wrkstns + 3 srvrs=$2,945/mo.
Same as Bronze plus pro-level support (adv monitoring, Remote Support Manager, Automation Scripts, AND AUTO MAINTENANCE/Self Healing), and more.
10 Workstations + Server
Starting at $595 / mo.
30 wrkstns + 3 srvrs=$1,285/mo.
Essential-Level Support
Network monitoring, remote control and health monitoring (computers, routers, etc.), Patch Management (OS+3rd-Party), Managed AV, monthly server checkup, monthly reports, included time, and lower rate.
10 Workstations + Server
Starting at $345 / mo.
30 wrkstns + 3 srvrs=$685/mo.