Thread 25 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Yesid.B | ODBC Join tablesI am attempting to join two tables through an 'INDEX' field like so:
However I am not getting a result.
Initially I was using the following:
sql = 'SELECT * FROM subitemsTEST.DB WHERE poCode = '"+txtpoCode+"' order by index desc'
to get the indexes and from there I would get the data from 'wrhse' having the indexes. But when I get more than 192 rows for some reason the system does not display the complete result set. Why can this be? How can I join two tables?
Thank you in advance.
10 replies. Last post: |  amna.s | If you need a limousine for an important occasion, such as a wedding or a client visit, you need to ensure that your service provider lives up to the expectations of the occasion.
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Thread 24 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  PS_2709 |{Too Long!} |
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Thread 23 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  cmccullough | Coding ASP Classic on LinuxHello all,
First, I should let you know that I am not an experienced ASP coder and, honestly, don't have lots of experience with Microsoft products. I've been using Unix for more than 20 years and Linux for about 10 years. Most of my programming experience is with Perl and Python.
I just landed a new client that needs some code work on their current online training that they offer. It's written in ASP Classic and running on a Postgresql back-end. I don't have experience with ASP Classic but can pick-up on the language relatively quickly (I think). I will do the work on a Windows XP box if I have to but would prefer to do the coding one of my Linux boxes, if possible. Does anyone know if this is even possible?
Thanks for your help.
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Thread 22 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Craig.D | Kill Session(s) from ApplicationHi there.
I need to clear groups of sessions to force-logout groups of users.
Can I get a collection of sessions at Application level and abandon them from there?
Any help much appreciated, thank you!
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Thread 21 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Bryan Valencia | ASP Classic Suddenly fails{Too Long!} 2 replies. Last post: |  Bryan.V | Actually, after much anguish, I found that the latest MS patch had inadvertently changed my site from Low(iis) to Medium(Pooled)
Setting it back did the trick.
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Thread 20 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  khatib_b | Diplaying javascript error message from DB{Too Long!} |
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Thread 19 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  bphilip | Kill a windows Process Using AspI need to create an asp page which will kill process in a windows 2000. Please help 1 Reply: |  mprestwood | I don't think this is possible at least not with ONLY ASP and in a real webserver environment because you would have to grant unusual rights and make use of something like a DLL with special rights.
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Thread 18 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  debra_owens | https to http{Too Long!} |
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Thread 17 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  ASPGuy | Creating Classes in ASPDoes anyone have a simple example of creating a class in ASP? I've always used it as a scripting language and never used in in an object oriented way.
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Thread 16 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  ParaDelphi | Exit a While LoopI've been looking all over, how do you exit a while loop? I tried exit and that didn't work.
5 replies. Last post: |  Paul.S | Thanks to both of you. Great help as usual. I did get it from Mike's post but the example is nice especially for others looking on. |
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Thread 15 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  aka51 | ASP queryI am submitting a query in an ASP page. , , It is a tow piece query and I am not sure the correct process to accomplish this., First I am , , , SQL ="SELECT OAID1 FROM tblOrganization where branch_labid = "& Request("branch_labid") &";",
then the valuse returned from this query i would like to use it in the next query , , , SQL ="SELECT aoemail, aofirstname, aolastname FROM tblAO where OAID1 = (tring to use the value from the previous query here)",
I tried to combine the select statement as below
, , SQL ="SELECT aoemail, aofirstname, aolastname FROM tblAO where OAID1 =
(SELECT OAID1 FROM tblOrganization where branch_labid = "& Request("branch_labid") &" ); "
but I get the , [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1. , , Can anyone offer some help.
1 Reply: |  Paul.S | How did you solve this? Was it with the in keyword? |
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Thread 14 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  soji_ng | Asp on windows XPI develop on windows 2000 and just migrated to XP pro. I was able to enable IIS but it seems not to be able run data driven web applications. the web app does not connect to the database 1 Reply: |  mprestwood | I can confirm that what you are trying to do can be done (I do that all the time). What are you trying to connect to? Also, can you connect to that database on your new computer from something other than ASP?
Finally, show me your connect string and I'll take a look.
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Thread 13 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Badzooka | DTC problems and the SessionI am experiencing many state and DTC roblems in my environment. For example, if I do as a book I'm using says:, , 1. Add a new ASP page to your project, 2. Drag a Page Object to it, , I cannot add references (links to other pages). Likewise, I cannot edit the Page Objects on existing pages either., , The initial problem seems to be that I created a new project, then added the ASP files from an existing project to it. The problem has gotten worse as I copy the changes from another programmer. Maybe we cannot edit files outside of or within two different projects if the page contains DTC?, , I've searched MSDN and it seems to be a "black box" how these interface to a project, and what to do in this situation. , , Any ideas or tips? 1 Reply: |  mprestwood | Are you still having trouble with this? I read your issue but didn't understand it completely. Can you post more details? |
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Thread 12 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  charbrad | Need help with subtotals{Too Long!} 5 replies. Last post: |  charbrad | My post is there more than once because I was getting a thread error each time I hit save reply...sorry |
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Thread 11 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  ASPGuy | IIS On Windows XPI'm used to developing on Windows 2000 and recently I finally upgraded to Windows XP Home edition. Does XP come with IIS? I do much ASP development and I like to develop all on my box and do not wish to set up a IIS server.
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Thread 10 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Larry C | Some hints , references for starting to learn ASP.Hello, I'm looking for some good sources, references, etc. to get into the world of ASP.NET using VB.NET., Where I'm coming from:, -I've been programming for far too many years, -I'm very familiar with relational databases, both desktop and SQL, -I'm very familiar with Access and access Visual Basic, -I'm familiar with the Internet, having taken some introductory courses in things such as PHP, MySQL, Apache, -I'm still getting into the world of object-oriented programming, , Any and all help would be appreciated, , Larry 1 Reply: |  adamlum | I know it's been a little while since you posted and in that time you may have become an ASP.NET and VB.NET expert, if not, was there anything specific you had questions about? |
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Thread 9 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  John Anderson | Remote Access DatabaseI have read every knowledge base article Microsoft has written on the subject of connecting to a remote Access database from an Active Server Page and have done everything the articles say to do and still come up with the error:, , The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data., , I know the file is not open, so that leaves permissions as being the cause. I've given every account in the f***ing domain full control of the share and file on the file server and still no dice., , Who is making the call from the web server to the file server? Can somebody tell me that?, , My web server is Win 2k running IIS 5 and the remote Access database is on a Win 2k server that is a domain controller., , Any light anybody can shed on this would be most , appreciated. 2 replies. Last post: |  SANDMAN | It maynot hurt to run this too:, , , , Also run a complete virus check., , Think "Code Red" and alike, any of them that use "IIS"., , I though I had a clean system ... but still found afew of these that use "IIS".  |
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Thread 8 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  aka51 | Help with a loopthe code below for some odd reason will not work. The values for the session variables are being assigned when a database is queried. but for some reason if the session variable is empty it goes onto the else portion of the statement, , , , if Session ("aoemail1") = "" then , strTo = strTo &"here", else , strTo= strTo & Session ("aoemail1"), strTo= strTo & ";", end if , , , if Session ("aoemail2") = "" then , strTo = strTo &"here", else , strTo= strTo & Session ("aoemail2"), strTo= strTo & ";", end if , , , if Session ("supemail2") = "" then , strTo = strTo &"here", else , strTo= strTo & Session ("supemail1") , strTo= strTo & ";", end if , , , if Session ("supemail2") = "" then , strTo = strTo &"here", else , strTo= strTo & Session ("supemail2") , end if
1 Reply: |  cheddar | post the code that set's the values and the loop. |
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Thread 7 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Vikas Athavale | Connect Sql Server on WebPlease inform me the sytax for connectring SQL server on web, , Thanksing u in advace, Vikas AThavale 1 Reply: |  jdschram | OLE, Set objConn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"), objConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;_, PersistSecurity Info=False;Initial Catalog=_, YourDB;_Data Source=YOUR_LOCAL_SERVER_NAMEDSN, Set objConn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"), objConn.Open "DSN=mySystemDSN;" & _ , "Uid=myUsername;" & _ , "Pwd=myPassword" |
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Thread 6 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  aka51 | view table infoI am using ASP and this is the code I am using, , , , <%, dim rsmail, sql, , Sql = "SELECT "& request.form("SELECT") &" FROM "& request.form("DATABASE") &" where "& request.form("WHERE_FIELD") &" = '"& strwhere &"';", , , set rsmail = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"), , rsmail.Open sql, db, if not rsmail.EOF then, do while not rsmail.EOF, %>, , <% Response.Write rsmail("Action") %>, , , <% Response.Write rsmail("can") %>, , , <% Response.Write rsmail("emp_name") %> , , , <%, rsmail.MoveNext, loop, end if, %> However I will recieve anerror if I try to write the info to the screen as each select statement will select different things from the database so if one of the recordset (rsmail) was not selected it will cause an error., Is there a way to write it without specificing which recordset23 replies. Last post: |  rbonas | that is where it was then when you suggested I look into the connection string being the problem i moved it out and it worked. All my other files are using an include file, I am just a little apprehensive to mess with it again. |
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Thread 5 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  aka51 | Viewing info selected from a tableI am selecting info from an access table. the constraints for the select table are coming form another form so the information selected is never the same. Is it possible to write only the records that are selected in one command instead of writing each record individually like , , response.write rs("name"), response.write rs("age") , 5 replies. Last post: |  rbonas | I would love to have you look at the site but it is on an intranet, so public access is not possible. , But you do have the jist of the situation. The SQL statement is being generated dynamically, so I know that I can't hradcode rsmail as it will change with every run of the SQL statement, so I need to know how to get the info that was selected from the databse to be written out. |
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Thread 4 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Me | Help with some code{Too Long!} 6 replies. Last post: |  Me | I know, I've fixed it |
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Thread 3 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Mallika | ASPMail and Exchange Server 2000I have a question on ASPMail. I want to know if it can coexist with Exchange Server 2000. Currently I use Cdonts for Emails being sent out from our web site but Cdonts do not coexist with Exchange server 2000. Cdont Coexist only with the upgraded version of Exchange 2000 from Exchange 5.5, Now we are installing Exchange 2000 on our server without the upgrade and want to use ASPMail. So i want to know if it can peacefully coexist with Exchange 2000 Server?, , Thanks,, Mallika |
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Thread 2 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Amiya | ASPMail component ***Urgent Help****Hi,, , I have created an asp form which will e-mail data. i am using ASPmail component. the code is right, except remotehost field. i have written, remotehost ="" , the mailer.Send shows that ur mail has been sent, but there is no mail in my inbox., the ISP told that there is a userid and password to send mail.Can u tell me where to insert that?, , he says that his pop3 and smtp address are same., , can u help me, the client is waiting for response. |
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Thread 1 of 25 | Thread Starter | | |  Badzooka | In the eStore, how do you integrate credit cards?In the Prestwood eStore, how do you integrate credit cards? 1 Reply: |  mprestwood | Alter In the future, we will gradually include various merchants. |
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