DTC problems and the Session I am experiencing many state and DTC roblems in my environment. For example, if I do as a book I'm using says:, , 1. Add a new ASP page to your project, 2. Drag a Page Object to it, , I cannot add references (links to other pages). Likewise, I cannot edit the Page Objects on existing pages either., , The initial problem seems to be that I created a new project, then added the ASP files from an existing project to it. The problem has gotten worse as I copy the changes from another programmer. Maybe we cannot edit files outside of or within two different projects if the page contains DTC?, , I've searched MSDN and it seems to be a "black box" how these interface to a project, and what to do in this situation. , , Any ideas or tips? mprestwood | Are you still having trouble with this? I read your issue but didn't understand it completely. Can you post more details? |