Prestwood eMag
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May 2015 - ASP Classic Edition
Year 17 Issue 5
Your full service technology partner!
Expert guidance from working professionals!
psSendMail DLL topic:
v1.1 Documentation by Wes Peterson
v1.1 of psSendMail will soon be replaced by v2.
IT Water-Cooler for Power-Users topic:
Setup Exchange E-Mail Queue by Jon Speare
About: An email queue is setup for 2+ workers as a queue where those working the queue move emails to subfolders or delete as they proceed. Subfolders sample: Assigned, Completed, Ignored, etc. Good for groups of staff to work. Our is an email queue. Our scheduler and tech staff in our Network Operating Center (NOC) work this queue.
Monthly ASP Classic Lesson
ASP Classic Topic:
Code Snippet of the Month
This code returns the current week of the current year with a week starting on Monday.
DateDiff("ww", CDate("1/1/" & Year(Now)), Now, vbMonday)
Language Details Topic:
Question: What is the syntax in ASP Classic for using an associative array?
Answer: Use a dictionary:
Dim StateList
set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StateList.Add "CA", "California"
Response.Write "NV is " & StateList("NV") For more examples, refer to our ASP Classic Associative Array (Scripting.Dictionary) article.
Language Details Topic:
Tip of the Month
Although you can use the generic request collection, as in Request("SomeValue"), for either Request.Form("SomeValue") or Request.QueryString("SomeValue"), it's best to avoid the generic request collection until it's really needed. Use a For Each loop to loop through elements.