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Prestwood IT Newsletter Oct 2014 Issue - ASP Classic Edition


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  October 2014 - ASP Classic Edition Year 16 Issue 10  
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Web & Marketing Services Info topic:
Domain Transfer
by Gerald Renton

Transfer domain to One or more years is added to your domain registration usually at $9.99/year (i.e. .com price). A minimum of only 1 year needs to be added to transfer.

Coding Services Info topic:
Project Management
by Mike Prestwood

Project management. Generally project management ranges from 10% to 30% of a project budget. However, the amount of project management required depends on the project.

IT Water-Cooler for Power-Users topic:
Windows GREP - Great Tool
by Wes Peterson

You know (or think) the file is out there.  You have a pretty good idea about one or two things that are (or ought) to be in it.  Find it fast with Windows GREP.

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Language Details topic (classic post):
Response.Flush and Response.Buffer
by Mike Prestwood

Response.Flush sends the contents of the buffer to the browser. This command is useful for showing a visitor something while slow loading pages load.

Tool Basics topic (classic post):
A 10 Minute ASP Classic Quick Start
by Mike Prestwood

An example of using ASP's Response.Write and creating functions.

 Monthly ASP Classic Lesson
Language Basics Topic:
Code Snippet of the Month
The following function uses the Scripting.FileSystemObject to check for the existence of a file.
Function IsFileExists(AFileName)
 Dim objFSO
 Dim TempFileName
 TempFileName = Server.MapPath(TempFileName)
 Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If (objFSO.FileExists( TempFileName ) = True)  Then
  IsFileExists = True
  IsFileExists = False
 End If
 Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Tool Basics Topic:
Question: Can you edit Access and MS SQL Server views?


Although this question really depends on the provider, in general, the answer is no to MS Access views and yes to MS SQL Server views so long as you open the RecordSet editable.

ASP Classic Topic:
Tip of the Month

When naming constants, Microsoft suggests you prefix each constant with "con" as in conYourConstant. Although, they also say the older all caps with words separated by an underscore is still acceptable (i.e. YOUR_CONSTANT).

Because I code in multiple languages and I really don't like all caps with underscores, I've adopted a lowercase k in place of con as in kFeetToMeter.

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