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Prestwood IT Newsletter Jul 2014 Issue - ASP Classic Edition


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  July 2014 - ASP Classic Edition Year 16 Issue 7  
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Expert guidance from working professionals!
Tech Services Info topic:
New Printer, Local/Wireless
by Eric Prestwood

Setup printer including downloading of latest drivers if needed.

IT Water-Cooler for Power-Users topic:
Stamp Out Spam
by Vicki Nelson

How to fight back against spam and reclaim your inbox. As you may know, the volume of spam messages sent across the Internet has reached epidemic levels. Some industry experts estimate that three out of every five e-mail messages that are sent today are spam. The spam epidemic is costing companies, professionals, and individual users considerable amounts of time, money, and resources.

What is spam, and what can I do about it? Spam is generally defined as an unsolicited mailing, usually sent to many recipients. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, or quasi-legal services. Spam costs the sender very little to send. Most of the costs are paid by the recipient or the carriers rather than the sender. Some effective methods for preventing your e-mail address from being captured, sold or abused by spammers in the full version of this article. Click the title to read more.

Off Shoring topic:
Off-shoring: You CAN fight back!
by Wes Peterson

Are you fed up with calling a company and finding yourself speaking to somebody in a foreign country? 

I am, and I've just learned of an effective way to fight back, help return jobs to America, and keep them here.

The best part? We don't have to wait for government to do a thing.

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OOP topic (classic post):
ASP Classic Constructors (Class_Initialize)
by Mike Prestwood

When an object instance is created from a class, ASP calls a special parameter-less sub named Class_Initialize. Since you cannot specify parameters for this sub, you also cannot overload it.

When a class is destroyed, ASP calls a special sub called Class_Terminate.

OOP topic (classic post):
ASP Classic Member Visibility (Private, Public)
by Mike Prestwood

The member visibility modifiers are Private and Public. If not specified, the default is Public. Private and Public have the usual meaning. Private members are visible only within the class block. Public members are visible within the class and outside of the class.

 Monthly ASP Classic Lesson
OOP Topic:
Code Snippet of the Month

When an object instance is destroyed, ASP calls a special parameter-less sub named Class_Terminate. For example, when the variable falls out of scope. Since you cannot specify parameters for this sub, you also cannot overload it.

When an object instance is created from a class, ASP calls a special sub called Class_Initialize.

Class Cyborg

  Public Sub Class_Terminate
    Response.Write "<br>Class destroyed"

End Sub
End Class
ASP Classic Topic:
Run ASP pages on Linux/Unix! This software was originally developed by ChiliSoft.
Sun Java System Active Server Pages software allows organizations to deploy Active Server Pages (ASP)-based web applications on a variety of web servers and operating systems. ASP applications currently supported by Microsoft IIS can now be powered by the Java System Web Server for increased security. Legacy ASP applications running on Windows NT can be transitioned to the Solaris Operating System for ongoing maintenance and support.
ASP Classic Topic:
Documented Error of the Month: error '80020009'
Error: error '80020009' YourPage.asp, line xxxx

You are trying to reference a field of a RecordSet that has no records or the RecordSet you are using does not contain the field. You may need to add something like...

If Not MyRS.EOF Then
	SomeVar = MyRS.Fields("TheField")
End If

More Info -

ASP Classic Topic:
Resource Link of the Month: 4 Guys from Rolla

Very popular ASP Classic and now ASP.Net website.

ASP Classic Topic:
FAQ of the Month: Find Last Day of Week

How do you find last Monday? I want to return a date for last Monday or today if today is Monday.

While Weekday(ADate) <> vbMonday

     ADate = DateAdd("d", -1, ADate)

You could wrap this up in a function as follows: 

Function SU_GetLastDOW(ADate, AWeekDayConst)

    While Weekday(ADate) <> AWeekDayConst
        ADate = DateAdd("d", -1, ADate)
    SU_GetLastDOW = ADate
End Function
Language Details Topic:
Tip of the Month

Call Application.Lock to freeze ASP code while you set IIS application variables the Application.Unlock to unfreeze. No actions take place on the server while locked. 


Application(YourAppVar) = AValue

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