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October 2010 - ASP Classic Edition
Year 12 Issue 10
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OOP topic (classic post):
ASP Classic Member Visibility (Private, Public) by Mike Prestwood
The member visibility modifiers are Private and Public. If not specified, the default is Public. Private and Public have the usual meaning. Private members are visible only within the class block. Public members are visible within the class and outside of the class.
Monthly ASP Classic Lesson
Language Basics Topic:
Code Snippet of the Month
Call randomize then call Rnd to generate a random number between 0 and 1. The following generates a random number from the low to high number including the low and high numbers:
Function GetRandomInt(LowNumber, HighNumber) RANDOMIZE GetRandomInt = Round(((HighNumber-1) - LowNumber+1) * Rnd+LowNumber) End Function
Response.Write GetRandomInt(10, 100)
Tool Basics Topic:
Question: Can you edit Access and MS SQL Server views?
Answer: Although this question really depends on the provider, in general, the answer is no to MS Access views and yes to MS SQL Server views so long as you open the RecordSet editable.
ASP Classic Topic:
Tip of the Month
When naming constants, Microsoft suggests you prefix each constant with "con" as in conYourConstant. Although, they also say the older all caps with words separated by an underscore is still acceptable (i.e. YOUR_CONSTANT).
Because I code in multiple languages and I really don't like all caps with underscores, I've adopted a lowercase k in place of con as in kFeetToMeter.