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September 2009 - ASP Classic Edition
Year 11 Issue 9
Your full service technology partner!
Expert guidance from working professionals!
 Wes Peterson
General Coding Concepts topic:
Is Native Code Irrelevant?
by Wes Peterson
With Microsoft heavily evangelizing .NET, and Sun continuing to improve Java, many a developer and customer are torn between targeting native machine code or a just-in-time compiler.
Here we take a quick look at that particular state of the union...
Windows Users topic (classic post):
Speed Up Your Windows Computer for FREE by Mike Prestwood
If your computer was fast but is now slow, you can use techniques such as adware removers, defrag, and others to bring your PC back to life! You can also add hardware to speed up your computer (RAM, SATA HD, better video card, etc.).
psSendMail DLL topic:
v1.1 Documentation by Wes Peterson
v1.1 of psSendMail will soon be replaced by v2.
Monthly ASP Classic Lesson
Tool Basics Topic:
Code Snippet of the Month
Languages Focus: End of Statement
In coding languages, common End of statement specifiers include a semicolon and return (others exist too). Also of concern when studying a language is can you put two statements on a single code line and can you break a single statement into two or more code lines.
ASP Classic End of Statement
A return marks the end of a statement and you cannot combine statements on a single line of code. You can break a single statement into two or more code lines by using a space and underscore " _".
'The following commented code on a single line does not work...
' Response.Write("Hello4") Response.Write("Hello5")
'Two or more lines works too with a space+underscore:
Response.Write _
ASP Classic Topic:
Question: What does VBScript stand for?
Answer: VBScript is short for Visual Basic Scripting. VBScript brings scripting to a wide variety of environments, including Web client scripting in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Web server scripting in Microsoft Internet Information Service. It is used in Visual Basic, Access, Word, Excel, ASP, etc.
Language Basics Topic:
Tip of the Month
Short-circuit evaluation is a feature of most languages where once an evaluation evaluates to False, the compiler evaluates the whole expression to False, exits and moves on to the next code execution line. The ASP Classic if statement does not support short-circuit evaluation but you can mimic it. Use either an if..else if..else if statement or nested if statements. ASP code that makes use of this technique is frequenlty clearer and easier to maintain than the short-circuit equivalent.