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February Edition
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Prestwood IT Newsletter Jan 2009 Issue - ASP Classic Edition


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  January 2009 - ASP Classic Edition Year 11 Issue 1  
Your full service technology partner!
From The Editor
Mike Prestwood

Happy New Year!
From all of us at Prestwood Software, we wish you a prosperous and fulfilling 2009. - Learn on the go!
The Prestwood mobile website: In this first edition of 2009 we are featuring our small-screen version of the Prestwood Programmer Community (PPC). Our small screen has been around for a while but we've recently added several small screen features including a handy random tidbit feature that allows you to study on the go. Grab your phone, iPhone, Blackberry, PocketPC, or Palm and browse to whenever you are on the road and want to get five minutes of studying in.

--Mike Prestwood

Happy New Year

Expert guidance from working professionals!
Mike Prestwood
PrestwoodBoards topic:
Small Screen Version:
by Mike Prestwood

Go to for the small screen version of PPC with small screen features such as a random tidbit browser for studying on the go! All pages are specially designed to look as good as possible on your tiny-screen phone, iPhone, Blackberry, PocketPC, or Palm. To get started, browse to with your PDA-ish device.

kb PDA articlekb PDA article

PrestwoodBoards topic (classic post):
New Random Page Feature!
by Mike Prestwood

From any group, you can display a random tidbit, article, cross reference example, or message board thread. This is a fun and convenient way to browse content quickly to find interesting gems. To use this new feature, visit your favorite group and click on one of the random links in the left column menu.

News and Announcments topic (classic post):
New Year, New Projects
by Mike Prestwood

With the new year, you have new software development projects and we would like to discuss your needs with you. Call Mike Prestwood at 1-916-726-5675 x205 to discuss changing and new needs this year.

PrestwoodBoards topic (classic post):
Cross Reference Encyclopedia Updated!

kb Cross Ref articleToday we deployed version 1.1a of our Cross Reference Encyclopedia with updated content and features. Version 1.1a features a new cross reference guide table of contents on the left menu so you can more easily browse a two language cross reference guide online. In addition, new content was posted for most of the languages and we've finally gotten started on our Delphi Prism content.

PrestwoodBoards topic (classic post):
New 'New Posts' Page

We updated our New Posts page for all posts and for each group. From the pull-down menu, select Programmer Community | New @ PPC or the What's New option available within each group. The new New Posts page now mixes all types of posts together so you can easily see what's the newest message board post, KB article, comment, blog entry, etc.

  • New @ PPC (also available from the pull down menu, Programmer Community | New @ PPC)

Lighter Side topic:
Scrambled Text
by Mike Prestwood
Apparently if the first and last letters are correct, the rest don't matter.

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Language Basics topic (classic post):
Using On Error Resume Next
by Mike Prestwood
You can use "On Error Resume Next" to suppress errors and "On Error Goto 0" to stop suppressing errors.

 Monthly ASP Classic Lesson
Tool Basics Topic:
Code Snippet of the Month

Language Overview: Class-based language. Although you can create classes, ASP is not fully OOP. It is a traditional language with a few OOP extensions. You code in a traditional approach using functions, procedures, and global data, and you can make use of simple classes to help organize your reusable code.

Target Platforms: ASP Classic is most suitable for creating websites targeting any browser (IIS Web Server with ASP Classic installed or equivalent).

ASP Classic Topic:
Documented Error of the Month: ASP Classic error 0208 : 80004005 (Generic request collection)
Error: error 'ASP 0208 : 80004005' Cannot use generic Request collection /_private/, line 72 Cannot use the generic Request collection after calling BinaryRead.

Although you can use the generic request collection, as in Request("SomeValue"), for either Request.Form("SomeValue") or Request.QueryString("SomeValue"), it's best to avoid the generic request collection until it's really needed. The generic request collection causes problems in some circumstances. For example, you cannot call the generic request collection after a BinaryRead.

ASP Classic Topic:
Resource Link of the Month: VBScript Language Reference on
The best resource for quickly looking up ASP Classic commands. Even better than having a reference book.
Language Details Topic:

What is the syntax in ASP Classic for using an associative array?


Use a dictionary:

Dim StateList
set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

StateList.Add "CA", "California"
Response.Write "NV is " & StateList("NV")

For more examples, refer to our ASP Classic Associative Array (Scripting.Dictionary) article.

Language Details Topic:
Tip of the Month
Although you can use the generic request collection, as in Request("SomeValue"), for either Request.Form("SomeValue") or Request.QueryString("SomeValue"), it's best to avoid the generic request collection until it's really needed. Use a For Each loop to loop through elements.

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