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Coder KB: General Coding Concepts Topic

17 Articles Found in the General Coding Concepts Topic 

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Mike Prestwood
1. API API is an acronym for application programming interface. The Windows API is the set of DLLs that makes up Windows. It comprises all the functions, messages, data structures, data types, statements, and files that a programmer needs for developing Windows applications.
21 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
2. Array A data type that is a collection of variables (much like a table is a collection of fields). There are two types: fixed and resizable. A fixed array has a predetermined--by the programmer--number of elements. A resizable does not; therefore you need to set its size before using it.
21 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
3. Associative Array A set of unique keys linked to a set of values. Each unique key is associated with a value. Think of it as a two column table. MyArray['CA'] = 'California' MyArray['AR'] = 'Arizona'
16 years ago, and updated 16 years ago
(2 Comments , last by herringbur.d )

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Mike Prestwood
4. Black Box The term black box refers to not being able to see what is within the box. For example, in coding, you do not need to concern yourself with the details of what happens when you call a method, you simply use the method, the black box, to do the thing you wanted it to do. This is also called encapsulation.
17 years ago, and updated 16 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
5. Branching: Frequent Conditions First

Most languages support a branching mechanism like if a..elseif b..elseif c. If a evaluates to true, b and c will not execute. The tip is to sort your branching conditions by most to lease used for faster code.

16 years ago
(2 Comments , last by hick.m )

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Mike Prestwood
6. Computer Language Constants

A constant is just like a variable (it holds a value) but, unlike a variable, you cannot change the value of a constant.

16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by busermo.m )

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Mike Prestwood
7. Computer Language Operator A language symbol used for assignment, comparison, computational, or as a logical.
16 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
8. Computer Language Statement An elementary instruction or other elementary component in a high-level programming language. When documenting a programming language, tech writers usually separate statements from operators, functions, procedures, and objects.
16 years ago
(1 Comments , last by auspiciousze )

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Mike Prestwood
9. Event Handler

In computer programming, an event handler is part of event driven programming where the events are created by the framework based on interpreting inputs. Each event allows you to add code to an application-level event generated by the underlying framework, typically GUI triggers such as a key press, mouse movement, action selection, and an expired timer. In addition, events can represent data changes, new data, etc. Specifically, an event handler is an asynchronous callback subroutine that handles inputs received in a program.

A custom event is a programmer created event. For example, you can contrast an event handler with a member event, an OOP concept where you add an event to a class.

15 years ago
(1 Comments , last by busermo.m )

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Mike Prestwood
10. Inline Routines

Instead of calling a routine, you move the code from the routine itself and expand it in place of the call. In addition to manual inlining, some languages support automatic inlining where the compiler or some other pre-compiler decides when to inline a code routine. Also, some languages allow for developer defined inlining where the developer can suggest and/or force the inlining of a code routine. Inlining can optimize your code for speed by saving a call and return, and parameter management.

15 years ago

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Wes Peterson
11. Is Native Code Irrelevant?

With Microsoft heavily evangelizing .NET, and Sun continuing to improve Java, many a developer and customer are torn between targeting native machine code or a just-in-time compiler.

Here we take a quick look at that particular state of the union...

15 years ago, and updated 15 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
12. Overloading

Types of overloading include method overloading and operator overloading.

Method Overloading is where different functions with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed or the number of parameters. Method overloading is a type of polymorphism and is also known as Parametric Polymorphism.

Operater Overloading allows an operator to behave differently based on the types of values used. For example, in some languages the + operator is used both to add numbers and to concatenate strings. Custom operator overloading is sometimes referred to as ad-hoc polymorphism.

16 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
(1 Comments , last by moroal.n )

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Mike Prestwood
13. Pointers / References

A pointer is a variable type that allows you to refer indirectly to another object. Instead of holding data, a pointer holds the address to data -- the address of another variable or object. You can change the address value a pointer points to thus changing the variable or object the pointer is pointing to.

A reference is a type of pointer that cannot change and it must always point to a valid storage (no nulls).

15 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
14. Programming Literals

A value directly written into the source code of a computer program (as opposed to an identifier like a variable or constant). Literals cannot be changed. Common types of literals include string literals, floating point literals, integer literals, and hexidemal literals. Literal strings are usually either quoted (") or use an apostrophe (') which is often referred to as a single quote. Sometimes quotes are inaccurately referred to as double quotes.

15 years ago
(3 Comments , last by hick.m )

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Mike Prestwood
15. Round Floating Point Numbers

When comparing floating point numbers, make sure you round to an acceptable level of rounding for the type of application you are using.

15 years ago
(2 Comments , last by Jerry.M )

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Stephen Berry
16. Stack A queue-like data structure which supports the last in, first out functionality.
16 years ago

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Mike Prestwood
17. Unary Operator

An operation with only one operand (a single input). Common unary operators include + plus, - minus, and bitwise not. Some operators can function as both unary and binary operators. For example, + and - operators can serve as either.

16 years ago, and updated 15 years ago
(1 Comments , last by saywega.s )

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