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ASP Classic Flashcards Library

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61 ASP Classic Coding FlashCards

Group: ASP Classic Coding

Topic: ASP Classic

ASP Classic Array (x = Array())

Arrays in ASP Classic use a 0-based indice.

Use UBound to get the number of elements. UBound returns -1 if the array has no elements, 0 if it has 1, 1 if it has 2, etc.

Dim MyArray, i
MyArray = Array("Mike", "Lisa", "Felicia", "Nathan")
If UBound(MyArray) > -1 Then
  For i = 0 to UBound(MyArray)
    Response.Write MyArray(i)
End If
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102133, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Case Sensitivity (No)

ASP Classic is not case sensitive. My preference for all languages where case sensitivity does not matter is to use camel caps as in the first example above. Many developers coming from a case sensitive language prefer to use all lowercase.

You can use any of the following:

Response.Write "Hello"
response.write "Hello"
REsponse.WritE "Hello"
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101335, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Edit Record (AddNew, Update, Delete)

In ASP, using ADO, you use RecordSet.AddNew to add a new record, Recordset.Update to post the record, and RecordSet.Delete to delete it. To edit a record, you open the RecordSet using an editable cursor.

The following code snippet adds a record to a given editable RecordSet with FullName and Created fields:

objRS.Fields("FullName") = "Barack Obama"
objRS.Fields("Created")  = Now
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102111, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Empty String Check (Len(s&vbNullString))

In ASP Classic, you have to add an empty string to the value being compared in order to get consistent results. For example, add &"" to your string varilable or it's code equivalent &vbNullString. Then compare to an empty string or verify it's length to 0 with Len.

All these will work for variables unassigned, set to "", or set to Null:

If s&"" = "" Then
  Response.Write("<br>Quotes with &'' say null is empty")
End If
If Len(s&"") = 0 Then
  Response.Write("<br>Len with &'' says null is empty")
End If
If Len(s&vbNullString) = 0 Then
  Response.Write("<br>Using vbNullString also works!")
End If
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102039, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Exception Trapping (On Error)

Languages Focus: Exception Trapping

A common usage of exception handling is to obtain and use resources in a "try-it" block, deal with any exceptions in an "exceptions" block, and release the resources in some kind of "final" block which executes whether or not any exceptions are trapped.

ASP Classic Exception Trapping

On Error Resume Next
Response.Write FormatDateTime(f_CurrentActualDate, vbShortDate)
  If ErrNumber <> 0 Then
End If
On Error Goto 0
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101364, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic File Extensions (.ASP)

.asp is the default extension for Active Server Pages (ASP) although some developers will change the default extension in an effort to add an additional security level. Although there is no clear standard for include files, using .INC is common but you must make sure that .INC files are not executed nor displayed.

ASP Classic Filter Records (Filter)

In ASP, using ADO, you filter a set of records using Filter.

objRecordSet.Filter = "ExtEmpType='P'"
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102116, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Find Record (Find, Seek)

In ASP, using ADO, you use Find and Seek to move a cursor of a RecordSet to a matching record.

Given a valid ADO recordset, the following code snippet finds a specific user and prints out their age:

TC.Find " UserID='mprestwood' "
Response.Write TC.Fields("Age")
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102114, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Parameters (ByRef, ByVal)

By Reference or Value
For parameters, you can optionally specify ByVal or ByRef. ByRef is the default if you don't specify.

Function SomeRoutine(ByRef pPerson, ByVal pName, Age)
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101625, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Record Movement (MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext)

ASP uses MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious to move a database cursor (a RecordSet).


The following snippet moves to the second to last record of a given RecordSet object:

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102110, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Sort Records (Sort)

In ASP, using ADO, you sort a set of records using the Sort property.

objMembersRS.Sort = "FirstName"
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102117, KB Topic: ASP Classic
ASP Classic Yes/No Function

The following function demonstrates one technique for coding a Yes/No dropdown. It uses a for loop which can be expanded to handle more than the 3 states (Y, N, and blank).

Example of calling the function:

Do you fish? &lt;%=YesNoDropDown("ynFish", "")%&gt;
Function YesNoDropDown(strName, strSelected) 
 Dim i
 Dim strSelectedString
 Dim YesNoName
 Dim YesNoCode
 YesNoName = Array("Yes","No")  
 YesNoCode = Array("Y","N")
 YesNoDropDown = "<select name='" & strName & "'>" & vbcrlf
 YesNoDropDown = YesNoDropDown & "<option>" & "--" & "</option>"
 For i = 0 To UBound(YesNoName)  
  If strSelected = YesNoCode(i) Then    
   strSelectedString = "Selected"  
   strSelectedString = ""  
  End If          
  YesNoDropDown = YesNoDropDown & "<option value='" & YesNoCode(i) & "' " & _      
  strSelectedString & " >" & YesNoName(i) & "</option>" & vbcrlf 
 YesNoDropDown = YesNoDropDown & "</select>" & vbcrlf 
End Function

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #102169, KB Topic: ASP Classic
Tip: ASP Constant Naming Convention
When naming constants, Microsoft suggests you prefix each constant with "con" as in conYourConstant. Although, they also say the older all caps with words separated by an underscore is still acceptable (i.e. YOUR_CONSTANT).
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100798, KB Topic: ASP Classic
DateDiff vbMonday ww Week of Year
This code returns the current week of the current year with a week starting on Monday.
DateDiff("ww", CDate("1/1/" & Year(Now)), Now, vbMonday)
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100714, KB Topic: ASP Classic
Q&A: Find Last Day of Week

How do you find last Monday? I want to return a date for last Monday or today if today is Monday.


While Weekday(ADate) <> vbMonday
     ADate = DateAdd("d", -1, ADate)

You could wrap this up in a function as follows: 

Function SU_GetLastDOW(ADate, AWeekDayConst)
    While Weekday(ADate) <> AWeekDayConst
        ADate = DateAdd("d", -1, ADate)
    SU_GetLastDOW = ADate
End Function
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100713, KB Topic: ASP Classic
How do I determine which version of IIS I am running?
The following ASP Classic code displays the version of the Internet Information Services (IIS) you are running in the form of a text string (i.e. Microsoft-IIS/6.0).
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100680, KB Topic: ASP Classic
Q&A: VBScript
Question: What does VBScript stand for?


VBScript is short for Visual Basic Scripting. VBScript brings scripting to a wide variety of environments, including Web client scripting in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Web server scripting in Microsoft Internet Information Service. It is used in Visual Basic, Access, Word, Excel, ASP, etc.
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100783, KB Topic: ASP Classic

Topic: Tool Basics

ASP Classic Assignment (=)

ASP Classic uses = for it's assignment operator.

FullName = "Randy Spitz"
Age = 38
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101376, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Code Blocks (End Xxx)

In .ASPhtml pages, you embed ASP code between <% and %>.

ASP Classic code blocks are surrounded by statement ending keywords that all use End such as End Sub, End If, and WEnd.

Sub x
End Sub
If x Then
End If
While x
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101493, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Comments (' or REM)

Commenting Code
ASP Classic, like all the VB-based languages, uses a single quote (') or the original class-style basic "REM" (most developers just use a quote). ASP Classic does NOT have a multiple line comment.

Preprocessor Directives - @ and #
An @ is used for preprocessor directives within ASP code (within <% %>) and a # is used for HTML-style preprocessor directives.

Note: ASP Classic does not support VB Classic's #If directive.

'Single line comment.
REM Old school single line comment.


Common Preprocessor Directives include:

<!-- #Include File="" -->
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101500, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Comparison Operators (=, <>)

Save as VB Classic.

//Does ASP evaluate the math correctly? No!
If .1 + .1 + .1 = .3 Then
Response.Write "correct"
Response.Write "not correct"
End If
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101585, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Deployment Overview

With ASP Classic, you simply copy your files to a web server that is capable of running ASP pages. This includes your .ASP pages along with supporting files such as images, include files, and database files.

Optionally, you can also deploy a global.asa file which is used to code certain events like application start, application end, session start, and session end.

ASP Classic Development Tools

Languages Focus: Development Tools

Primary development tool(s) used to develop and debug code.

ASP Classic Development Tools

Microsoft Visual Interdev was popular for several  years but isn't used as much any more. Any good editor such as Microsoft Expression Web, etc. will work but debugging is left up to interactive skills.

ASP Classic End of Statement (Return)

Languages Focus: End of Statement

In coding languages, common End of statement specifiers include a semicolon and return (others exist too). Also of concern when studying a language is can you put two statements on a single code line and can you break a single statement into two or more code lines.

ASP Classic End of Statement

A return marks the end of a statement and you cannot combine statements on a single line of code. You can break a single statement into two or more code lines by using a space and underscore " _".


'The following commented code on a single line does not work...
' Response.Write("Hello4") Response.Write("Hello5")

'Two or more lines works too with a space+underscore:
Response.Write _
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101689, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Literals (quote)

Literals are quoted as in "Prestwood".  If you need to embed a quote use two quotes in a row.

Response.Write "Hello"
Response.Write "Hello ""Mike""."
'Does ASP evaluate this simple
'floating point math correctly? No! 
If (.1 + .1 + .1) = .3 Then
 Response.Write "Correct"
 Response.Write "Not correct"
End If
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101526, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Overview and History

Language Overview: Class-based language. Although you can create classes, ASP is not fully OOP. It is a traditional language with a few OOP extensions. You code in a traditional approach using functions, procedures, and global data, and you can make use of simple classes to help organize your reusable code.

Target Platforms: ASP Classic is most suitable for creating websites targeting any browser (IIS Web Server with ASP Classic installed or equivalent).

ASP Classic Report Tools Overview

Because ASP Classic targets a client browser (a document interfaced GUI), a common solution is to simply output an HTML formatted page with black text and a white background (not much control but it does work for some situations).

ASP Classic String Concatenation (& or +)

Although you can use either a & or a + to concatenate values, my preference is to use a + because more languages use it. However, if you use & then some type conversions are done for you. If you use + you will sometimes have to cast a value to concatenate it. For example, you will have to use CStr to cast a number to a string if you use the + operator as a concatenation operator.

Dim FirstName
Dim LastName
FirstName  = "Mike"
LastName  = "Prestwood"
Response.Write "Full name: " & FirstName & " " + LastName
Response.Write "2+2=" + CStr(2+2)
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101589, KB Topic: Tool Basics
ASP Classic Unary Operators

An operation with only one operand (a single input) such as + and -.

ASP Classic Variables (Dim x)

ASP Classic is a loosely typed language. No variable types in ASP (all variables are variants). Declaring variables is even optional unless you use the Option Explicit statement to force explicit declaration of all variables with Dim in that script. Using Option Explicit is strongly recommended to avoid incorrectly typing an existing variable and to avoid any confusion about variable scope.

For example, at the top of my common include file, I have the following:

Option Explicit
'...more code here.
Dim Fullname
Dim Age
Dim Weight
FullName = "Mike Prestwood"
Age = 32
Weight = 154.4
'Declaritive assignment not supported:
''Dim Married = "Y"   '>>>Not supported.
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101564, KB Topic: Tool Basics
Q&A: Can ASP edit Access/SQL views?
Question: Can you edit Access and MS SQL Server views?


Although this question really depends on the provider, in general, the answer is no to MS Access views and yes to MS SQL Server views so long as you open the RecordSet editable.

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100800, KB Topic: Tool Basics
Response.Write Assignment Operator
This is a simple example of passing a value to a JavaScript function. You can pass values to JavaScript the same way you pass values to HTML.
Dim MyName
MyName = "Mr Paradiddle"
<script language="javascript">
function ShowYourName() {
document.write('Your name is <%=MyName%>.')
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100797, KB Topic: Tool Basics

Topic: Language Basics

ASP Classic Constants (Const kPI = 3.1459)

Scope can be Public or Private. Public Const is the same as just specifying Const. As with variables, all constants are variants. You do not specify the type, it's implied.

Const kPI = 3.1459
Const kName = "Mike"
//Public variable:
Public Const kFeetToMeter=3.28, kMeterToFeet=.3
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101706, KB Topic: Language Basics
ASP Classic If Statement (If..ElseIf..Else..End If)

The End If is optional if you put your code on a single line.

//Single line example.
If X = True Then Response.Write "hello" 
//Complete example.
If X = True Then
  '>>>do something.
ElseIf Y = "ABC" Then
  '>>>do something.
  '>>>do something.
End If
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101383, KB Topic: Language Basics
ASP Classic Left

ASP Classic Left

Dim LeftString
LeftString = Left("Prestwood", 3)
Response.Write LeftString
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101370, KB Topic: Language Basics
ASP Classic Logical Operators (and, or, not)

Same as VB. ASP Classic logical operators:

and and, as in this and that
or or, as in this or that
Not Not, as in Not This

'Given expressions a, b, c, and d:
If Not (a and b) and (c or d) Then
  'Do something.
End If
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101891, KB Topic: Language Basics
ASP redirect http to https

To redirect from http to https, check the Request.ServerVariables HTTPS field and then use Response.Redirect if set to "off".

Here's a code snippet:

If Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS") = "off" Then 
End If

Obviously this code works only for "specific" implementations. You could make this non-domain specific pretty easily by "constructing" the portion.

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100265, KB Topic: Language Basics
CBool(ANumber Mod 2)
The following function returns true if the integer portion of a number passed in is odd; otherwise, it returns false.
Function IsOdd(byVal ANumber)
 ''Non numbers always return false.
 If Not IsNumeric(ANumber) Then 
  IsOdd = False
  Exit Function
 End If
 ANumber = Fix(ANumber)  '>>>Strip to integer.
 IsOdd = CBool(ANumber Mod 2)
End Function
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100801, KB Topic: Language Basics
GetStringCount with Split and UBound

This function uses Split to count the number of strings within a string.

Function GetStringCount(AString, AChar)
 Dim MyArray
 Dim ArrayCount
 MyArray = Split(AString, AChar)
 GetStringCount = UBound(MyArray)
End Function
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100781, KB Topic: Language Basics
Tip: If Statement: No Short Circuit

Short-circuit evaluation is a feature of most languages where once an evaluation evaluates to False, the compiler evaluates the whole expression to False, exits and moves on to the next code execution line. The ASP Classic if statement does not support short-circuit evaluation but you can mimic it. Use either an if..else if..else if statement or nested if statements. ASP code that makes use of this technique is frequenlty clearer and easier to maintain than the short-circuit equivalent.

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101765, KB Topic: Language Basics
Random Numbers with Rnd and Randomize
Call randomize then call Rnd to generate a random number between 0 and 1. The following generates a random number from the low to high number including the low and high numbers:

Function GetRandomInt(LowNumber, HighNumber)
GetRandomInt = Round(((HighNumber-1) - LowNumber+1) * Rnd+LowNumber)
End Function

Response.Write GetRandomInt(10, 100)

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100692, KB Topic: Language Basics
The following function uses the Scripting.FileSystemObject to check for the existence of a file.
Function IsFileExists(AFileName)
 Dim objFSO
 Dim TempFileName
 TempFileName = Server.MapPath(TempFileName)
 Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If (objFSO.FileExists( TempFileName ) = True)  Then
  IsFileExists = True
  IsFileExists = False
 End If
 Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100782, KB Topic: Language Basics
The following function uses the FileSystemObject to delete a file.

' DeleteFile
Function DeleteFile(AFileName)
 Dim objFSO
 Dim TempFileName
 TempFileName = AFileName
 Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
 Call objFSO.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(TempFileName), True) 

 Set objFSO = Nothing  
End Function

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100784, KB Topic: Language Basics

Topic: Language Details

Tip: ASP Application.Lock Method

Call Application.Lock to freeze ASP code while you set IIS application variables the Application.Unlock to unfreeze. No actions take place on the server while locked. 


Application(YourAppVar) = AValue
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100409, KB Topic: Language Details
ASP Classic Associative Array (Scripting.Dictionary)

Use the scriptiing dictionary object which is available on later versions of ASP Classic (all still commonly in use). Both Access VBA and VB Classic use a collection for this but collections are not supported in ASP Classic.

Dim StateList
Set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StateList.Add "CA", "California"
StateList.Add "NV", "Nevada" 
Response.Write "I live in " & StateList.Item("CA")
Dim StateList
set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StateList.Add "CA", "California"
StateList.Add "NV", "Nevada"
Response.Write "I live in " & StateList.Item("CA")
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101512, KB Topic: Language Details
ASP Classic Custom Routines (Sub, Function)

ASP Classic is a non-OOP language with some OOP features. It offers both Subs and Functions. A Sub does not return a value while a Function does. When Subs and Functions are used in a defined class, they become the methods of the class.

Sub SayHello(ByVal pName)
  Response.Write "Hello " + pName + "!<br>"
End Sub
Function Add(ByRef pN1, ByRef pN2)
  Add = pN1 + pN2
End Function
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101597, KB Topic: Language Details
ASP Classic Overloading (Not Supported)

ASP Classic does not support any type of overloading.

  • Operator - No.
  • Method - No.

Some developers like to pass in an array and then handle the array for a pseudo technique. Although not overloading, it's useful.

ASP Classic Self Keyword (me)

Same as VB. The Me keyword is a built-in variable that refers to the class where the code is executing.

Class Cyborg
 Public CyborgName
 Public Function IntroduceYourself() 
  'Using Me. Prints Cameron.
  Response.Write("Hi, my name is " & Me.CyborgName & ".")
  'The above is just a demo. You could also not include "Me." 
  'in this case because we are in context of Me now. Using Me 
  'makes more sense when you start to pass Me as a parameter 
  'to a method.
 End Function 
End Class
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101953, KB Topic: Language Details
Q&A: Associative Arrays in ASP Classic

What is the syntax in ASP Classic for using an associative array?


Use a dictionary:

Dim StateList
set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StateList.Add "CA", "California"
Response.Write "NV is " & StateList("NV")

For more examples, refer to our ASP Classic Associative Array (Scripting.Dictionary) article.

Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101199, KB Topic: Language Details
Tip: Using Request.QueryString
Although you can use the generic request collection, as in Request("SomeValue"), for either Request.Form("SomeValue") or Request.QueryString("SomeValue"), it's best to avoid the generic request collection until it's really needed. Use a For Each loop to loop through elements.
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #100654, KB Topic: Language Details

Topic: OOP

ASP Classic Class..Object (Class..Set..New)

Ultra-primitive (no inheritance) but useful and encourages you to think and design using objects.

'Declare class.
Class Cyborg
  Public Function IntroduceYourself() 
    Response.Write("Hi, I do not have a name yet.") 
  End Function 
End Class
'Create object from class.
Set T1 = new Cyborg
Set T1 = Nothing      'Be sure to clean up!
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101398, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Constructors (Class_Initialize)

When an object instance is created from a class, ASP calls a special parameter-less sub named Class_Initialize. Since you cannot specify parameters for this sub, you also cannot overload it.

When a class is destroyed, ASP calls a special sub called Class_Terminate.

Class Cyborg
  Public CyborgName
 Public Sub Class_Initialize
   Response.Write "<br>Class created"
   CyborgName = "Cameron"
  End Sub 
End Class
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101823, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Destructor (Class_Terminate)

When an object instance is destroyed, ASP calls a special parameter-less sub named Class_Terminate. For example, when the variable falls out of scope. Since you cannot specify parameters for this sub, you also cannot overload it.

When an object instance is created from a class, ASP calls a special sub called Class_Initialize.

Class Cyborg
  Public Sub Class_Terminate
    Response.Write "<br>Class destroyed"
End Sub
End Class
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101830, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Inheritance (Not Supported)

General Info: Inheritance

The concept of a class makes it possible to define subclasses that share some or all of the main class characteristics. This is called inheritance. Inheritance also allows you to reuse code more efficiently. In a class tree, inheritance is used to design classes vertically. (You can use Interfaces to design classes horizontally within a class tree.) With inheritance, you are defining an "is-a" relationship (i.e. a chow is-a dog). Analysts using UML call this generalization where you generalize specific classes into general parent classes.

ASP Classic Inheritance

ASP Classic Interfaces (Not Supported)

Although ASP Classic does support simple classes, it does not support interfaces.

ASP Classic Member Field

ASP Classic does support member fields, but, as usual, you cannot initialize the type nor value of a member field. The type is implied by usage.

Class Cyborg
  Private FSerialNumber
  Public FCyborgName
  Public FCyborgAge 
Public FSeriesID
End Class
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101757, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Member Method (Sub, Function)

ASP classic uses the keywords sub and function. A sub does not return a value and a function does. Many programmers like to use the optional call keyword when calling a sub to indicate the call is to a procedure.

'Declare class.
Class Cyborg
  Public Function IntroduceYourself() 
    Response.Write("Hi, I do not have a name yet.") 
  End Function 
End Class
'Create object from class.
Set T1 = new Cyborg
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101743, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Member Modifiers (Default)

Other than visibility modifiers Public and Private, the only other member modifier available in ASP Classic is Default which is used only with the Public keyword in a class block. It indicates that the sub, function, or property is the default method for the class. You can have only one Default per class.

ASP Classic Member Property (Property..Get..Let)

ASP classic uses the property keyword and special Get and Let methods to both get and set the values of properties.

Class Cyborg
 Private FCyborgName
 Public Property Get CyborgName()
  CyborgName = FCyborgName
 End Property
 Public Property Let CyborgName(pCyborgName)
  FCyborgName = pCyborgName
 End Property
End Class
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101749, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Member Visibility (Private, Public)

The member visibility modifiers are Private and Public. If not specified, the default is Public. Private and Public have the usual meaning. Private members are visible only within the class block. Public members are visible within the class and outside of the class.

Class Cyborg
  Private FSerialNumber  
  Public FCyborgName
  Public Function IntroduceYourself() 
Response.Write("Hi, I do not have a name yet.")
End Function
End Class
Posted By Mike Prestwood, Post #101956, KB Topic: OOP
ASP Classic Static Members (Not Supported)

Although ASP Classic supports the creation of simple classes, it does not support static methods.

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