Finding a record is about moving a cursor to a specific record within a set of records (documented here). In addition to finding a record, you can sort, filter, and loop a set of records (documented in their topics).
ObjectPAL Find Record
ObjectPAL provides a rich set of commands for finding a record with a TCursor or UIObject including:
locate() - Seach for a value based on a criteria. Uses indexes as appropriate.
locatePattern() - Search for a pattern within a value.
moveToRecord() - Moves to a specific record number.
qLocate() - Search using currently set index.
Each of these basic find record commands has supporting commands such as locateNext() and recNo().
Syntax Example:
var tc TCursor endVar"Customer.db")
if tc.locate("Name", "Proffessional Divers, Ltd.") then tc.edit() tc.Name = "Professional Divers, Ltd." msgInfo("Success", "Corrected spelling error.") endIf