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Delphi OOP:
Delphi Destructor (Free or FreeAndNil)
Posted 16 years ago on 10/24/2008 and updated 1/23/2009
Delphi Code Snippet:
 A flashcard from our Delphi Flashcards Library
 A code snippet from our Delphi Code Snippets Page
 Tags: Delphi , Destructor


General Info: Class Destructor

A special class method called when an object instance of a class is destroyed. With some languages they are called when the object instance goes out of scope, with some languages you specifically have to call the destructor in code to destroy the object, and others use a garbage collector to dispose of object instances at specific times.

Desctructors are commonly used to free the object instance but with languages that have a garbage collector object instances are disposed of when appropriate. Either way, destructors or their equivalent are commonly used to free up resources allocated in the class constructor.

Languages Focus: Destructor

Are object instances freed with a garbage collector? Or, do you have to destroy object instances.

Delphi Destructor

Object Pascal uses a standard virtual destructor named Destroy which is called by the standard Free method. All objects are dynamic, so you need to call MyObject.Free method or the FreeAndNil(MyObject) routine for each object you create.

Syntax Example:
MyObject: TObject;
MyObject := TObject.Create;
  //Use it...
  //Or use...FreeAndNil(MyObject);

More Info

Definition:  Class Destructor


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Comment 1 of 5

WIth Delphi 5 and later, it is my understanding it is better to use


Thoughts and comments?

Posted 16 years ago

Comment 2 of 5

Hmmm...sure, that's a good rule of thumb and thanks for adding the info here (I added it to the flashcard above too). Bottom line.

However, to further the discussion I guess it depends on the situation. It is a routine and not a class method so using Free "feels" more OOP to me so I tend to use it with simple OOP examples when giving demos. ((I know, that's a pretty weak excuse but I think it helps with new coders.)) You do have to be careful to only pass TObjects to this routine too. My own rule of thumb with larger applications is that I use Free when doing simple controlled tasks and FreeAndNil with more complicated things.

Also, when do we stop writing extra checks? You could be even more complete and do something like the following:

If Assigned(MyObject) then
MyObject := nil;

If by some chance MyObject was not assigned to begin with, then FreeAndNil() will never get called and therefore MyObject will never get set to nil.

Should Be NilAndFree

Finally a minor point but because we're getting into it a bit, I thought it might be important because FreeAndNil actually does the opposite. You can run into problems accessing the object variable while it's being destroyed.

For reference, here are the three VCL code routines in discussion:

In System Unit:

procedure TObject.Free;
  if Self <> nil then
destructor TObject.Destroy;

In SysUtils unit:

procedure FreeAndNil(var Obj);
  Temp: TObject;
  Temp := TObject(Obj); 
  Pointer(Obj) := nil; 


Posted 16 years ago

Comment 3 of 5

Whether to use Free, or FreeAndNil, is an interesting topic.  It depends on the circumstances.

My rule of thumb is that if an object is local (that is, it's reference variable will soon go out of scope) just use Free.  But if the object is more "global," use FreeAndNil.

A classic example is a form that will create and show another form.  This is often done within the scope of a button click handler, or an ActionItem's Execute method:

procudure MyForm.Button1Click(Sender : TObject);
  StudentForm : TStudentForm;
  StudentForm := TStudentForm.Create(Self);

In the above snippet, the local variable, StudentForm, isn't accessible outside of the click handler, and it will go out of scope fairly soon.  In this case, I think Free is sufficient.

However, if I'd made my reference variable more "global," say as a private member, FStudentForm, of TMyForm, any and every method of that class has access to it. In that case, I'll use FreeAndNil:

procedure MyForm.Button1Click(Sender : TObject);
  if (FStudentForm = nil) then
    FStudentForm := TStudentForm.Create(Self);

Just to play it safe, you'll probably want to set FStudentForm to nil in TMyForm's OnCreate event.

Of course, it does no harm to use FreeAndNil wherever it's legal (As Mike says, the argument to FreeAndNil must be a TObject, or descendant thereof).

Posted 16 years ago

Comment 4 of 5

Delphi destructor, It is may be for paying purpsoe or may be it is free. Depend on situation, If you think nursing assignment writing help for such pages are valid then you are going to be choose all plans where you can manage your own working for same purpose.

Posted 47 months ago

Latest Comment
Comment 5 of 5

Thanks to the creator for writing the post, it was quite necessary for me and liked it. I wrote a note on the about this. I will be happy if you read it and accept it. Thank you for your concern.

Posted 47 months ago
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Code Contributed By Mike Prestwood:

Mike Prestwood is a drummer, an author, and creator of the PrestwoodBoards online community. He is the President & CEO of Prestwood IT Solutions. Prestwood IT provides Coding, Website, and Computer Tech services. Mike has authored 6 computer books and over 1,200 articles. As a drummer, he maintains and has authored 3 drum books. If you have a project you wish to discuss with Mike, you can send him a private message through his PrestwoodBoards home page or call him 9AM to 4PM PST at 916-726-5675 x205.

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Linked Certification Question(s)

The following are practice certification questions with answers highlighted. These questions were prepared by Mike Prestwood and are intended to stress an important aspect of this KB post. All our practice questions are intended to prepare you generally for passing any certification test as well as prepare you for professional work.


1 Beginner Level Question

Question #1: Multiple Choice

Given the following code:

MyObject: TObject;
MyObject := TObject.Create;
  //Use it...  

Delphi has a garbage collector so you do not have to dispose of the object after the "Use it" comment but optionally you can dispose of additional resources created in the constructure overriding the Finalize() method and calling MyObject.Free().


Delphi does not have a garbage collector so you have to dispose of the object after the "Use it" comment with either MyObject.Free() or FreeAndNil(MyObject).


Delphi does not have a garbage collector so you have to dispose of the object after the "Use it" comment with MyObject.Dispose().

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Since 10/24/2008
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