Sometimes it is useful to create your own Classes and Objects (an instantiation of a class) in ASP, below is the basic code to create one.
Class Person
Public Function IntroduceYourself()
Response.Write("Hello, my name is " & Name & ", it's nice to meet you!")
End Function
Public Name
End Class
The above code declares a class. This class has one Public member - Name and one Public function - IntroduceYourself.
To use this class:
Set Adam = new Person //Create Adam object using the Person class. Adam.Name = "Adam" //Set Name property. Adam.IntroduceYourself() //Call the IntroduceYourself method.
Set Adam = new Person creates an Object of type Person and assigns it to the variable name Adam. Adam.Name ="Adam" assigns the string "Adam" to the Adam-Person Object's Name attribute. Adam.IntroduceYourself calls the Adam-Person Objects IntroduceYourself function. The output of this little demo should politely say Hello, my name is Adam, it's nice to meet you!
Complete Example
Here is a complete example within a single HTML page. Notice I declared the class at the end of the HTML to show you that where you define your class is not important. Usually developers put classes into their own files.
<html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> </head>
<h1>Introduce Yourself</h1> <% Set Adam = new Person //Create Adam object using the Person class. Adam.Name = "Adam" //Set Name property. Adam.IntroduceYourself() //Call the IntroduceYourself method. %>
</html> <% Class Person Public Function IntroduceYourself() Response.Write("Hello, my name is " & Name & ", it's nice to meet you!") End Function
2014 and I'm just getting into classes! Our site was build with Classic ASP and has grown since; in too deep to change now! My programming skills have evolved and I came to classes as a result of frustration at trying to pick my way through my old code. This super-simple example has got me up and running. Wish I'd found it years and years ago!
Thank you for having written it Adam, your post is still doing great service.
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