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Cross Ref > Tool Basics

By Mike Prestwood

ASP Classic versus VB Classic: A side by side comparison between ASP Classic and VB Classic.

Tool Basics

Developer environment basics such as common file extensions, common keyboard shortcuts, etc.

Deployment Overview

[Other Languages] 
ASP Classic: 

With ASP Classic, you simply copy your files to a web server that is capable of running ASP pages. This includes your .ASP pages along with supporting files such as images, include files, and database files.

Optionally, you can also deploy a global.asa file which is used to code certain events like application start, application end, session start, and session end.

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VB Classic: 

VB applications require the VB runtime DLL (for version 6, it's VB600.DLL) plus any additional dependencies you've added such as Crystal Reports, ActiveX controls, and DLLs.

You can use any of the many free and commercially available installation packages.

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Development Tools

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

Primary development tool(s) used to develop and debug code.

ASP Classic: 

Microsoft Visual Interdev was popular for several  years but isn't used as much any more. Any good editor such as Microsoft Expression Web, etc. will work but debugging is left up to interactive skills.

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VB Classic: 

Microsoft Visual Basic 1...6. VB Classic is not compatible with VB.Net.

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File Extensions

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

Common or primary file extensions used (not a complete list, just the basics).

ASP Classic:   .ASP

.asp is the default extension for Active Server Pages (ASP) although some developers will change the default extension in an effort to add an additional security level. Although there is no clear standard for include files, using .INC is common but you must make sure that .INC files are not executed nor displayed.

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VB Classic: 
  • .BAS = VB source code file.
  • .CLS = VB class file (one class per file).
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Overview and History

[Other Languages] 
ASP Classic: 

Language Overview: Class-based language. Although you can create classes, ASP is not fully OOP. It is a traditional language with a few OOP extensions. You code in a traditional approach using functions, procedures, and global data, and you can make use of simple classes to help organize your reusable code.

Target Platforms: ASP Classic is most suitable for creating websites targeting any browser (IIS Web Server with ASP Classic installed or equivalent).

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VB Classic: 

Language Overview: Class based language. Although you can create classes, VB Classic is not fully OOP. It is a traditional language with a few OOP extensions. You code in a traditional approach using functions, procedures, and global data, and you can make use of simple classes to help organize your reusable code. It also supports one-level abstract class to implemented class using the Implements keyword.

Target Platforms: Microsoft Visual Basic 6 is most suitable for creating Win32 Windows desktop applications that use the VB600.DLL runtime DLL within Microsoft Windows.

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Report Tools Overview

[Other Languages] 

Languages Focus

Built-In: Some development tools have a reporting tool built-in and some do not. For example, typically desktop databases such as Paradox and Access have a built-in reporting tool and typically that reporting tool is used with nearly every application built with it. A built-in reporting tool makes development of reports across many clients and applications consistent and therefore easy.

Add-On: Development tools that do not have a built-in reporting tool need to use either a currently bundled report writer, or one of the popular reporting tools that integrates well with the development tool. For example, popular reporting tools include Crystal Reports, ReportBuilder, and MS SQL Reporting Services (tied to MS SQL).

ASP Classic: 

No built-in report writer but because ASP Classic targets a client browser (a document interfaced GUI), a common solution is to simply output an HTML formatted page with black text and a white background (not much control but it does work for some situations).

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VB Classic: 

Crystal Reports was very popular with VB Classic developers and came bundled with Visual Basic 3 through 6. VB6 offers both Crystal Reports and the new Microsoft Data Report Designer.

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