Access VBA:
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
However, developers sometimes use the term "class helper" to refer to code that helps out a class. Not truly the meaning we are using here, but you should be aware of the term's general usage.
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
However, developers sometimes use the term "class helper" to refer to code that helps out a class. Not truly the meaning we are using here, but you should be aware of the term's general usage.
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
However, developers sometimes use the term "class helper" to refer to code that helps out a class. Not truly the meaning we are using here, but you should be aware of the term's general usage.
Corel Paradox:
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
"Class Helpers" class helper for
Delphi allows you to extend an existing class without using inheritance. Buggy in 2005 and not officially supported but stable, usable, and officially supported in 2006 and above.
You declare a class helper similiar to how you declare a class but use the keywords class helper for .
Syntax Example: TCyborg = class(TObject) public FCyborgName: String; end; TCyborgHelper = class helper for TCyborg procedure ShowClassName; end;
Delphi Prism:
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
Although Delphi for .Net did support class helpers starting with Delphi 8, its replacement (Prism) does not, at least not yet.
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
However, developers sometimes use the term "class helper" to refer to code that helps out a class. Not truly the meaning we are using here, but you should be aware of the term's general usage.
VB Classic:
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
"Class Helpers" Not Supported
However, developers sometimes use the term "class helper" to refer to code that helps out a class. Not truly the meaning we are using here, but you should be aware of the term's general usage.