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Java Operators

Unary Operators

General Info: Unary Operator

An operation with only one operand (a single input). Common unary operators include + plus, - minus, and bitwise not. Some operators can function as both unary and binary operators. For example, + and - operators can serve as either.

Languages Focus

What unary operators are supported in additoin to the standard plus, minus, and bitwise not.


An operation with only one operand (a single input). The Java unary operators are ++, --, +, -, ~, and !.

  • + Indicates positive value (numbers are positive without this)
  • - Negates an expression
  • ++ Increment operator by 1
  • -- Decrement operator by 1
  • ! Logical complement operator (inverts the value of a boolean)
  • ~ Bitwise inversion operator (works on integral data types)
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Cross Reference Examples:

Access VBA: 

An operation with only one operand (a single input) such as +, -, and Not.

ASP Classic: 

An operation with only one operand (a single input) such as +, -, and Not.


An operation with only one operand (a single input). The following are the C# unary operators: +, -, !, ~, ++, --, true, or false. 


An operation with only one operand (a single input) such as ++X and --Y.

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Corel Paradox: 

The ObjectPAL unary operators are:


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An operation with only one operand (a single input). In Object Pascal, a unary operator has the highest precedence and always precedes its operand (for example, -B), except for the  ^ pointer operator, which follows its operand (for example, P^). In addition to the obvious +, -, and Not operators, Delphi also offers:

^ Pointer
@ returns the address of a variable, function, procedure, or method; a pointer to its operand.
inc() Increment
dec() Decrement

The TYPE operator is also a unary operator and is valuated at compile time. The TYPE operator returns the size in bytes of the operand,

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Delphi Prism: 

The obvious Prism unary operators are +, -, and Not.

+ Plus
- Minus
Not Bitwise Not
Inc() Increment
Dec() Decrement

Syntax Example:
var i: Integer := 1;
MessageBox.Show("" + i);  //Displays 2

An operation with only one operand (a single input). JavaScript unary operators include ++ and --. They can be used either before or after a variable as in: a++, b--, and ++a, and --b.


Syntax Example:
var iCounter=0;
for (iCounter=0;iCounter<=5;iCounter++)
document.write("Count is " + iCounter + "<br>");

An operation with only one operand (a single input). The following are the Perl unary operators: !, -, ~, +, \, &, and *.

  • ! performs logical negation which is "not"
  • - performs arithmetic negation if the operand is numeric.
  • ~ performs bitwise negation, that is 1's complement.
  • + has no semantic effect whatsoever, even on strings.
  • \ creates a reference to whatsoever follows.
  • & Address of operator.
  • * Dereference address operator.

A unary operator operates on only one value.

PHP Examples:

  • ! negation operator
  • ++ increment operator
  • -- decrement operator
VB Classic: 

An operation with only one operand (a single input) such as +, -, and Not.


An operation with only one operand (a single input). A unary operator method can return any type but takes only one parameter, which must be the type of the containing class. In addition to the obvious +, -, and Not operators, VB.Net also offers:


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