Overriding (Cross Ref > OOP Details)
Where you define or implement a virtual method in a parent class and then replace it in a descendant class.
When you decide to declare a method as virtual, you are giving permission to derived classes to extend and override the method with their own implementation. You can have the extended method call the parent method's code too.
In most OO languages you can also choose to hide a parent method. When you introduce a new implementation of the same named method with the same signature without overriding, you are hiding the parent method.
ASP Classic:
Not Supported
Since ASP Classic does not support inheritance, there is no concept of a descendant class nor overriding.
virtual, override
In C#, you specify a virtual method with the virtual keyword in a parent class and extend (or replace) it in a descendant class using the override keyword.
Use the base keyword in the descendant method to execute the code in the parent method, i.e. base.SomeMethod() .
Syntax Example: class Robot { public virtual void Speak() { } } class Cyborg:Robot { public override void Speak() { } }
Corel Paradox:
Not Supported
virtual, override
In Delphi, you specify a virtual method with the virtual keyword in a parent class and extend (or replace) it in a descendant class using the override keyword. Call Inherited in the descendant method to execute the code in the parent method.
Syntax Example: TRobot = class(TObject) public procedure Speak; virtual ; end; TCyborg = class(TRobot) procedure Speak; Override ; end;
Delphi Prism:
virtual, override
Same as Delphi. In Prism, you specify a virtual method with the virtual keyword in a parent class and extend (or replace) it in a descendant class using the override keyword. Call Inherited in the descendant method to execute the code in the parent method.
Use final to prevent further extending of a member and Sealed to prevent all members of a class from further extension.
Syntax Example: Robot = class(System.Object) public method Speak; virtual ; end; Cyborg = class(Robot) public method Speak; override ; end;
Overridable, Overrides
In VB.Net, you specify a virtual method with the Overridable keyword in a parent class and extend (or replace) it in a descendant class using the Overrides keyword.
Use the base keyword in the descendant method to execute the code in the parent method, i.e. base.SomeMethod() .
Syntax Example: Public Class Robot Public Overridable Sub Speak() MessageBox.Show("Robot says hi") End Sub End Class Public Class Cyborg Inherits Robot Public Overrides Sub Speak() MessageBox.Show("hi") End Sub End Class