C# does not support multiple implementation inheritance. Each class can have only one parent class (a single inheritance path). In C#, you can use multiple interface usage to design in a multiple class way horizontally in a class hierarchy.
C++ supports both multiple implementation inheritance and multiple interface inheritance.
Delphi does not support multiple implementation inheritance. Each class can have only one parent class (a single inheritance path).
In Delphi, you can use multiple interface usage to design in a multiple class way horizontally in a class hierarchy.
Java does not support multiple implementation inheritance. Each class can have only one parent class (a single inheritance path). In Java, you can use multiple interface usage to design in a multiple class way horizontally in a class hierarchy.
There is a trick to fake one descendant class multiple inheritance. Not really worth exploring though but...inside a constructor, call another constructor function. The new object instance will inherit any properties and methods defined in that constructor. However, the new object will not inherit methods defined in the second constructor's prototype chain.
VB classic supports only a single "level" of inheritance (abstract class to implimentation class).
VB.Net does not support multiple implementation inheritance. Each class can have only one parent class (a single inheritance path). In VB.Net, you can use multiple interface usage to design in a multiple class way horizontally in a class hierarchy.