A set of unique keys linked to a set of values. Each unique key is associated with a value. Think of it as a two column table.
MyArray['CA'] = 'California'
MyArray['AR'] = 'Arizona'
Languages Focus: Associative Array
Associative arrays are also known as a dictionary or a hash table in other languages.
ASP Classic Associative Array
Use the scriptiing dictionary object which is available on later versions of ASP Classic (all still commonly in use).
Note: Both Access VBA and VB Classic use a collection for this but collections are not supported in ASP Classic.
Syntax Example: Dim StateList
set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StateList.Add "CA", "California"
StateList.Add "NV", "Nevada"
Response.Write "I live in " & StateList.Item("CA")
Looping Through An ASP Dictionary
Here's some code that adds a few items to a dictionary and then loops through them using a for each loop.
Dim StateList
Dim Key
set StateList = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StateList.Add "CA", "California"
StateList.Add "NV", "Nevada"
StateList.Add "FL", "Florida"
For Each Key in StateList
Response.Write Key & " is " & StateList(Key) & "<br>"
Here's one more example showing how to loop through Request.QueryString. Just to show you that you can.
Dim Key
For each Key in Request.QueryString
Response.Write Key & "=" & Request.QueryString(Key)
Exists and Remove
Use Exists to check if a key is in the associative array and Remove to delete it. It's a good idea to check if an element exists prior to deleting it. Here's how:
If StateList.Exists("FL") Then
End If
If you fail to check if an element exists and it doesn't, you will get the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a802b'
Element not found
/path/yourpage.asp, line 51
No built-in sort function. However, Microsoft provided a good example of how to do this at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246067.